I am a Survivor
{{personalPagePhoto1.caption != '' ? personalPagePhoto1.caption : 'Student Photo'}}

Help me raise more lifesaving donations

How would you like to donate?

I've raised $2,452.53

My goal is $2,400


Our event is kicking off on {{schoolPlan.EventStartDate | date:'MM/dd/yyyy'}} and will conclude on {{schoolPlan.EventEndDate | date:'MM/dd/yyyy'}} .

My Story

Avatar for Leo L.
I’m participating in the American Heart Challenge to raise funds for health equity. The American Heart Association does this by developing important programs that give people access to healthy food, quality health care, and support when they need it most. Because everyone deserves to live a long and healthy life.

Donate today and help us rise above the obstacles of health. Thank you for helping me reach my goal!

Check Out My Badges

Loading Badges...
{{prize.label}} Badge Earned
Returning Student Badge Earned Returning Student
Individual School Challenge Badge Earned Individual School Challenge Completed
School Goal Challenge Badge Earned School Goal Challenge Completed
You've raised more than $250 Badge Earned Raised more than $250

My Challenge

{{challengeName}} {{challengeName}}

I have a {{challengeCompleted}} day streak for moving more! for being kind!

Donate to Leo

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Top Fundraisers

  • {{personalDonor.name}} {{personalDonor.amountFormatted}}