I am a Survivor
{{personalPagePhoto1.caption != '' ? personalPagePhoto1.caption : 'Student Photo'}}

Help me raise more lifesaving donations

How would you like to donate?

I've raised $904.83

My goal is $550


Our event is kicking off on {{schoolPlan.EventStartDate | date:'MM/dd/yyyy'}} and will conclude on {{schoolPlan.EventEndDate | date:'MM/dd/yyyy'}} .

My Story

Avatar for Aspen L.

My name is Aspen Lavin and I’m making a commitment today to raise money for the American Heart Association in honor of my brother Matthew and his amazing heart journey. Without some of the best heart doctors in the world, I would have never been able to meet Matthew because of the heart condition he was born with. This year I’ve set a goal of raising $200. Your donation will help go towards families, much like ours, that will benefit from fundraisers like these.

Thank you in advance for your generosity.

Check Out My Badges

Loading Badges...
{{prize.label}} Badge Earned
Returning Student Badge Earned Returning Student
Individual School Challenge Badge Earned Individual School Challenge Completed
School Goal Challenge Badge Earned School Goal Challenge Completed
You've raised more than $250 Badge Earned Raised more than $250

My Challenge

{{challengeName}} {{challengeName}}

I have a {{challengeCompleted}} day streak for moving more! for being kind!

Donate to Aspen

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  • {{personalDonor.name}} {{personalDonor.amountFormatted}}