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Our School is Heart Healthy!

Thank you for joining us as we support the American Heart Association! We will Go Red on Feb 2nd and will share great messages with resources to help you get healthier all through the month!  

Click Sign Up above to join our effort.  Once you've registered, complete all the steps of Finn's Mission to support the work of the American Heart Association: learn Hands-Only CPR, the dangers of vaping and tips to manage stress.  You'll also gain access to great tools and resources you can use with students, your family and as you work to be the healthiest you.  


Donations are not required to sign-up, but you will be given an opportunity to donate, and share so others can learn CPR too!


Save lives by donating and helping us reach our goal

Our event is kicking off on {{schoolPlan.EventStartDate | date:'MM/dd/yyyy'}} and will conclude on {{schoolPlan.EventEndDate | date:'MM/dd/yyyy'}} .

Our donation due date is {{schoolPlan.DonationDueDate | date:'MM/dd/yyyy'}}

School Student Goal is {{schoolPlan.StudentRecruitmentGoal}}

{{companyProgress.percent | number:0}}%

Top Fundraisers

Our Stats

{{CountOfStudentsCompletingFinnsMission}} {{CountOfStudentsCompletingFinnsMission}}

student completed Finn's mission

students completed Finn's mission

{{participantCount}} {{participantCount}}

student registered

students registered


students raising money

{{totalEmails}} {{totalEmails}}

email sent

emails sent

Finn's Mission Completion updates overnight at 3 a.m.

Finn's Mission Completion

Finn's Mission Completion and Hands-Only CPR Training update overnight at 3 a.m.

Thank You to Our Local Sponsor
